OK, it's not directly related to urban planning, but this little video was so cool, I had to share it:
Spread the word!
I'm not an urban planner, but I get to play one on the Internet.
OK, it's not directly related to urban planning, but this little video was so cool, I had to share it:
The high price of oil seems to be as much of a conversation topic now as daytrading was during the dotcom boom. Everyone seems to have something to say about it. One thread of conversation, in particular, has jumped out at me, though. It's the thought that peak oil will be the driver for the coming Armageddon. In this line of thought, no response to peak oil is necessary, since it is merely a sign of the second coming of Christ. No need to invest in alternative energy sources, city-reshaping, or sustainable agriculture. Just the conviction that things are going to get really, really, bad; followed by whatever flavor of second coming you believe in.
I watched "The Real Dirt on Farmer John" over the weekend. What an odd film. If you're the sort of person who doesn't like spoilers, close your browser, watch the film, and then come right back -- because the whole point of this blog post is to talk about the ending of the film.