Expect Horses on our Roads
Scattered throughout the town of Maple Ridge, you can find these signs:
There's a lot that I like about this sign. It is a bold declaration that our streets are different. They are not just used to carry cars to the office or the grocery store. No, in Maple Ridge, our roads are a reflection of our culture and history. There are horses on our roads!
Now, an actual horse-sighting on a residential road in Maple Ridge is a rare event. But these signs started me thinking about the purpose of our roads. To date, most North American cities have been constructed with the assumption that roads are generic mixed-use transportation structures. Cars, trucks, buses, bicycles, scooters, and, yes, horses all share the same road system.
What this means, however, is that there are vast speed and size differences among the vehicles in this shared system. What average citizen seriously feels comfortable cycling on the side of a major road? Or what of those cool Canadian Zenn cars, which can only go 40 km/h? The Zenn car would suffice for 90% of my driving, if I could actually find a road I could drive it on. Driving a Zenn on our busy 60 km/h roads would take more chutzpah than I've got!
This shared-road system really needs to be re-thought.