The Adventure Begins
I have been interested in starting a blog for a while now. From a purely selfish perspective, I would very much like to gain some experience in writing, and a blog seems to be just the right forum for jotting down ideas and short essays in a fashion that others can easily read. As a reader of blogs, I have found myself enriched by some of the blogs which I follow regularly, particularly WorldChanging, which puts into words many of the ideas which have been floating around in my head. My hope is that as I learn more about the craft of writing, I could also start having an impact with my words.
The other reason I have for starting a blog is that I am beginning to feel that I actually have some words worth writing. I have found myself over the past year increasingly interested in the area of urbanism, particularly as it relates to climate change and quality of life. After a full year of watching files such as "An Inconvenient Truth" and "Crude Awakening", reading books such as "Heat", and attending public lectures such as "Peak Oil & Climate Change", I feel convinced of the need to act. I am convinced, as are many other people, that there is a storm brewing on the horizon.
However, I am also convinced that such times of crisis can also inspire tremendous positive change, and that part of this change will include a complete re-thinking of our urban spaces. Much like the Green Revolution changed the lives of billions of people through smarter agriculture, the Urban Revolution will change the lives of billions of people through smarter cities. I will be using this blog to share my views on how this will happen, particularly in my own small corner of the world.
The Urban Revolution is coming. Let the adventure begin!